Tanggal Permohonan | : | Selasa, 05 September 2023 |
Judul terbitan | : | Ba |
Sub Judul | : | Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat |
Judul Varian 1 | : | |
Judul Varian 2 | : | |
Judul Varian 3 | : | |
Singkatan | : | |
Judul Paralel / Bahasa Lain | : | |
Bahasa | : | Indonesia |
Jenis terbitan | : | Ilmiah - Jurnal |
Sinopsis | : | BA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Its a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners, and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, and implementation. All published article URLs will have a digital object identifier (DOI). |
Edisi mulai berlaku | : | Volume 1 No. 1, Mei 2023 |
Frekwensi terbitan | : | 6 Bulanan |
URL | : | https://journal.ypmma.org/index.php/ba |
Nomor ISSN | : | 3026-1023 (Online - Elektronik) |
Nomor SK ISSN | : | 30261023/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/10/2023 |
Tanggal Terbit SK ISSN | : | Rabu, 25 Oktober 2023 |
ISSN Terkait | : | 3026-1015 |
Kategori Keilmuan | : | Kesejahteraan Sosial/Pelayanan Sosial (362) |
Barcode | : | ![]() |
Status Jurnal | : | Open Access (Akses Terbuka) |
Virtua | : | Sudah Terdaftar |
Pengelola | : | Yayasan Pendidikan Mitra Mandiri Aceh |
Departemen / Satuan Kerja / Fakultas | : | Divisi Riset |
PIC | : | Jamali |
Alamat | : | Jl. Banda Aceh-Medan GP. Pasir Putih Kecamatan Peureulak, Kab. Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh, 24453 |
Telp/Fax | : |
Penerbit | : | Yayasan Pendidikan Mitra Mandiri Aceh |
Alamat | : | Jl. Banda Aceh-Medan GP. Pasir Putih Kecamatan Peureulak, Kab. Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh |
Telp | : | 085215082801 |