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Tanggal Permohonan:Rabu, 25 Januari 2023
Judul terbitan:International Journal on Health and Medical Sciences
Sub Judul:
Judul Varian 1:
Judul Varian 2:
Judul Varian 3:
Judul Paralel / Bahasa Lain:
Jenis terbitan:Ilmiah - Jurnal
Sinopsis:The International Journal on Health and Medical Sciences embraces a range of methodological approaches in identifying and solving significant prioritised accounting issues. Submissions are encouraged across all areas on Health and Medical and cognate disciplines. It is strongly recommended that authors specifically address how their research addresses the priority areas and how it impacts those who the research intends to affect. International Journal on Health and Medical Sciences, is a Health and Medical published since 2012 by Institute IARN. International Journal on Health and Medical Sciences published 3 times a year (April, August and December), Each issue consists of a minimum of 5 articles, the scope of this journal is Health and Medical and cognate disciplines.
Edisi mulai berlaku:Volume 1 No. 1, Desember 2022
Frekwensi terbitan:4 Bulanan
Nomor ISSN:2985-5667 (Online - Elektronik)
Nomor SK ISSN:29855667/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/02/2023
Tanggal Terbit SK ISSN:Kamis, 16 Februari 2023
ISSN Terkait:
Kategori Keilmuan:Kesehatan dan Kedokteran (610)
Barcode:No URL
Status Jurnal:Open Access (Akses Terbuka)
Virtua:Sudah Terdaftar
Pengelola:Institute of Accounting Research and Novation (IARN)
Departemen / Satuan Kerja / Fakultas:
PIC:Fristi Riandari
Alamat:Kompleks Perumahan Zajira No A1, Medan, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 20351
Penerbit:Institute of Accounting Research and Novation (IARN)
Alamat:Kompleks Perumahan Zajira No A1, Kab. Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara