Tanggal Permohonan | : | Rabu, 23 Januari 2019 |
Judul terbitan | : | Dinamika : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar |
Sub Judul | : | |
Judul Varian 1 | : | |
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Judul Varian 3 | : | |
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Sinopsis | : | Dinamika is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes different kinds of scientific articles based on the research-article and ideas-article. Dinamika aims to provide a platform for the publication of the most advanced high-quality research in the areas of learning, development, instruction, and teaching at elementary level. Dinamika provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public to support a greater global exchange of knowledge. For research category, articles can be written using quantitative and qualitative approaches, and can be made in a variety of research designs, such as action research, experiments, and case studies. This journal was published since 2009 twice a year every Maret and September, and published by the collaboration between Preservice Elementary Teacher Education Department, UMP Purwokerto and Himpunan Dosen PGSD Indonesia (HDPGSDI). |
Edisi mulai berlaku | : | Volume Vol. 11, No. 1, Maret 2019 |
Frekwensi terbitan | : | 6 Bulanan |
URL | : | http://jurnalnasional.ump.ac.id/index.php/Dinamika/index |
Nomor ISSN | : | 2655-870X (Online - Elektronik) |
Nomor SK ISSN | : | 0005.2655870X/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2019.02 |
Tanggal Terbit SK ISSN | : | Kamis, 07 Februari 2019 |
ISSN Terkait | : | 2087-412X |
Kategori Keilmuan | : | Pendidikan (370) |
Barcode | : | |
Status Jurnal | : | - |
Virtua | : | Sudah Terdaftar |
Pengelola | : | PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto |
Departemen / Satuan Kerja / Fakultas | : | PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto |
PIC | : | Dr. Subuh Anggoro |
Alamat | : | Jl. Raya Dukuhwaluh, Kembaran, Purwokerto 53182 |
Telp/Fax | : | (0281) 636 751 / (0281) 637 239 |
Penerbit | : | |
Alamat | : | |
Telp | : |